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Our Services

Heritage Homestead offers heritaged grown produce and eggs. Heritage farming is growing foods using processes predating chemical pesticides and genetically modified organisms. 


Freeze Dried Ice Cream $13.50 a bag

Freeze Dried Apples (seasonal)

Buckets with lids $1.00

Rabbit manure with bucket and lid $10.00


Chicken eggs $5.00

Duck eggs $7.50

Hatching eggs:

Erminette eggs $40.00 dozen

Cayuga Duck eggs $40.00 dozen

Barnyard mixed duck eggs $15.00

Goose Eggs $20.00 half dozen (early spring only)

Homestead Spring 2016

...It’s been amazing seeing all the flowers pop up, the previous owners really loved this property. It’s my own personal Eden and I’m honored to care for it.


We had planned on only planting the three original apple trees in the food forest this year. Then next year planting about thirty more fruit trees. We noticed that the golden raspberry growing at the original homestead had spread and there were babies everywhere. We dug some up and transplanted them in the food forest. Then we were told about the trees for bee’s program and we purchased fifty trees for around the property. They included elderberry and silky dogwood. Both of which are now in the food forest. After that my dad gave us six grape vines, his neighbor gave us flying dragon oranges (a hardy orange), passion flower, and red and black raspberries. The food forest grew a lot more than we had planned, but everything is doing well so far! We also planted 75 strawberry plants and 50 asparagus around the property. Next year is going to be delicious!


We are planting our vegetable garden this week. I hope it does as well as the previous owner says it will. We had to buy a walk behind tractor to get the ground turned. It’s a pretty cool piece of equipment. Scott wants a full size tractor now that we have a farm, maybe next year!


I update often on our facebook page if you want to keep up with the day to day happenings around the homestead. I plan on updating here quarterly to give an overview of what’s been happening. We hope to have an open house in the summer or fall…we’ll let you know!

Homestead Spring 2022

This year we are focusing on setting up the farm stand and getting to know the neighbors and becoming apart of the community.

It has been difficult as a full time therapeutic mom to find my footing in the farm sales world. This year after a major surgery for my son I woke up and just decided to go for it! We started a farm stand right here at Heritage Homestead! I may not be able to do farmers markets right now, but God showed me a way to have our market stand and the whole family is involved! Look for us with signs, waves, and smiles as your drive down Dry Run Rd! 

I don't know what will work and what won't work but I've found just faithfully setting up week after week people are starting to find us. Right now we have chicken eggs, duck eggs, freeze dried ice cream, freeze dried apples, buckets with lids, rabbit manure, and the kids often have cups of peach tea sweetened with our honey! 

Coming soon honey! Our hives are doing amazing this year and we are happy that we'll be able to have honey available at the farm stand something we've been trying to accomplish for awhile.

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